Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans:

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations."

- Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General, United Confederate Veterans, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1906


On behalf of all of the members of Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp 87, I personally welcome you to the website of the second largest and one of the fastest growing SCV camps in the world. Our camp is dedicated to preserving the true history of the South and the War for Southern Independence.  If you have an interest in honoring your ancestor and/or learning more about the War Between the States, we invite you to consider membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

 The Sons of the Confederate Veterans is open to any male descendent of a confederate veteran regardless of race, creed, color, or religious preference.  If you are uncertain as to your ancestor’s service, we will try to assist you.  Even if you do not have an ancestor who was in the Confederate Army or Navy, we can welcome you as an Associate Member.  Our Camp accepts all whose hearts are in "Dixie!"

If you are looking for a hate group, look elsewhere! We only want men who Love the South, its traditions, its culture, and its people.

Camp 87 meets once each month with a variety of planned activities.  Our two largest events each year are:  The Robert E. Lee/Stonewall Jackson Dinner, held each January, to celebrate the birthdays of these great Southern Generals; and, Confederate Memorial Day which we co-sponsor with the United Daughters of the Confederacy each June to honor all confederate heroes.  Customarily, we participate in local parades and festivals, locate and mark confederate graves, provide historical presentations, work on preservation projects, and perform other civic duties.  Please review our Calendar on this website for a listing of meetings and events.


If the Sons of Confederate Veterans sounds like an organization you would like to join, please contact one of the officers who are listed on this site in the folder labeled "Contacts.”  I look forward to meeting you.

Very Respectfully,

Earl Smith, Commander

Sons of the Confederate Veterans, Camp 87


SCV Information

The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution. The tenacity with which Confederate soldiers fought underscored their belief in the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was built.

Today, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.

The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.

Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces.


Commander Earl Smith - 687-2732 -

1st Lt. Cdr. - Ken Stark - 337-274-8474

Adjutant John Hitt - 689-4592 -

Judge Advocate-in-Chief -

Camp 87 Calendar

2024 Camp Activity Calendar


Membership dues

$50.00 New SCV (initial fee)

$45.00 Renew SCV member

$50.00 Late Renewal

$35.00 Associate

$15.00 Life Members


SCV Life Membership Dues

Age 12 through 64 - $750.00

Age 65 through 79 - $375.00

Over 80 - $187.50


2023 - 2024 Camp officers

Earl Smith

1st Lt. Cdr.
Ken Stark

2nd Lt. Cdr.
Kyle Stewart

3rd Lt. Cdr.
Dave Halbrooks

John C. Hitt

Camp 87 News


Message from our Commander:

Due to the ongoing attempt by Big Tech to destroy America Camp 87 has closed its Facebook account.  This is based on a recommendation made by our webmaster to the Camp Officers.

This of course has no effect on the Camp 87 web page.   Shown below is the link to our page on




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